Civility Regional Conference
with Dr. Chris Turner
Civility Regional Conference with Dr. Chris Turner from CivilitySavesLives
November 16, 2024 in Kelowna BC, Canada – Doctors of BC, Interior Health Authority, Hospital Foundations and University of British Columbia sponsored event
Find Event Executive Summary here.
Part 1 – Why Civility Matters in a Complex World
Part 1 – Why Civility Matters in a Complex World - FULL length video (75 mins)
Part 1 – Why Civility Matters in a Complex World - ABRIDGED video (60 mins)
Part 1 Video Clips
1. Introduction to Why Civility Matters in a Complex World (0.5 mins)
2. Requirements for Solving Different Problem Types (10 mins)
3. Personal Mastery vs Team Mastery (4 mins)
4. What to do with our Unconscious Bias (2 mins)
5. Psychological Safety (1 min)
6. How to Deal with Disagreement (3 mins)
7. Pool of Information and our Tap (5 mins)
8. Information as Variance in Performance (2 mins)
9. Impact of Rudeness on Recipient (9 mins)
10. Perpetrator Accountability (1 min)
11. Impact of Rudeness on Witness to Event (4 mins)
12. Bosses – Who They can Become and Why (3 mins)
13. Asking-not-Telling Leadership Style (3 mins)
Part 2 – What’s your Theme Tune – Communication and Reputation
Part 2 – What’s your Theme Tune – Communication and Reputation - FULL length video (40 mins)
Part 2 – What’s your Theme Tune – Communication and Reputation - ABRIDGED video (29 mins)
Part 2 - Video Clips
1. Introduction to What’s Your Theme Tune (2 mins)
2. Dr. Turner’s Theme Tune – Unbeknownst to Him (8 mins)
3. How much Information is Understood - verbal versus written (3 mins)
4. Determinants of Communication (3 mins)
5. Importance of Reputation (3 mins)
6. Negativity Bias and Words (2 mins)
7. Fundamental Attribution Error, and Illusion of Transparency (2 mins)
8. Normative Ethics of Doing-the-Right Thing (5 mins)
9. Avoiding Pitfall of Fundamental Attribution Error - Filling in the Gap (1 min)
Part 3 – Calling it Out with Compassion
Part 3 – Calling it Out with Compassion - FULL length video (51 mins)
Part 3 – Calling it Out with Compassion - ABRIDGED video (48 mins)
Part 3 - Video Clips
1. Introduction to Calling it Out with Compassion (1 min)
2. Sense-making (2 mins)
3. Trouble with the Traditional Grievance Process (3 mins)
4. What Recipients of Bad Behaviour Want? (3 mins)
5. Tips to Use with Recipients of Bad Behaviour (1 min)
6. Impact of Rudeness on Teams – Dan Katz’s Research (5 mins)
7. Why We Don’t Call out Incivility (2 mins)
8. Triangulation - a Seductive Pitfall (2 mins)
9. Introduction to Second Messenger System - Vanderbilt model (3 mins)
10. NHS version of Secondary Messenger system (1 min)
11. Three Principles to Second Messenger System (3 mins)
12. The “Check-in” Process to Conversations (3 mins)
13. Examples of Checking-in Experience (2 mins)
14. The “Raising-the-flag” Process to Conversations (2 mins)
15. Who Should the Messenger Be? (3 mins)
16. Clarity around the Messenger Role (2 mins)
17. Fear of the Hostile Interaction (1 min)
18. Timing of the Conversation (2 mins)
19. The Impact of Having the Conversation (1 min)